A day in the life..
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Sneak Peak: Family Pics! Nov. 2013
On November 29th, black friday, we had family pictures taken! At Tumwater Falls.
Only posting a few because we are sending out Christmas cards! Eventually, haha. With our Christmas cards we will also be including Noah's birth announcement...9 months later... :)
Monday, June 3, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Noah Eli Peet :)
Noah Eli Peet finally decided to join us. March 29th, 2013 at 11:35PM in Port Townsend, WA. He was 8lbs 12.7oz and 21.5 inches long! He has his momma's dark hair, but he looks just like his daddy's baby pics.
Today he is 13 days old...almost two weeks! My dad and Jacki were here visiting for a week, and they just left on tuesday. Aaron went back to work as of monday, and so it's just been Noah and I hanging out since tuesday. It's been fun, very different. Aaron has a soccer game today in Eatonville....he coaches the high school team here. So he is at work right now, then the bus leaves around 12:30, and he will be gone until late...
Noah is sleeping right now, and he loves to sleep during the night! Which is great for us! Today we might be going to silverdale with Elaine to get groceries..we'll see how he likes that.
That's what's new.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Thirty Seven Weeks
So tomorrow I will be 37 weeks pregnant. Which means I am considered full term! And the baby can come out ANY time he would like. And I slightly hope he chooses tomorrow. We have been trying to convince him, so we'll see how much he likes our persuasions. But other than being crushed internally and having what feels like 100 extra pounds added to my body, things are good.
We are in Washington right now, have been since December, right after school got out. We're staying with Aaron's parents while we save up some money, which seems impossible, and while we have the baby. We are applying to other schools currently, because BYU-Idaho didn't have my program. So we will be starting this June, not sure where yet. But that's when we will be moving, is something in early June. Our options....are Utah State, Arizona State, and maybe Idaho State. We are still talking everything over, so we'll see what happens. Tomorrow I have my 37 week appointment, and hopefully everything goes good.
I've been sick for about a month now. I was sick for two weeks, got a little better, then got sick again, and now we're here. I'm still not completely better, but I don't feel like I'm dying how I was, which is good. I do however feel like there is a creature inside my body crowding my organs and giving me constant acid reflux, and rib pain from keeping his feet constantly crammed in them, and kicking them every so often. But who's to complain? Hahaha... I also don't sleep very much now, and I pee literally every 20 minutes. I could probably pee every 5 minutes, but that would take up a lot more of my time. I like making pillow clouds to lay on my stomach and pretend I'm normal, or going swimming so I get to just float around and feel weightless... :)
Anywhoo, it's time to watch New Girl with Aaron.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Another Try...
So I decided I should keep a journal. But that sorta creeps me out, so I think blogging is the next best thing. I should hopefully start having more interesting things to say soon. The semester ends in 2 weeks and right now I'm just dealing with final stuff, and now work, with my already crazy schedule. So this summer will be good. I'll try to keep track of things a little more.
Anywhoo, the latest is:
Mustaches Galore
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