So I was so tired this morning. I had my culinary class, and it wasn't terrible. We just talked and stuff, and wednesday I get to meet the other teacher. Then I went home early cause she let us out 45 minutes early, which was really great. Then I went over to my brothers to study, since I still had NO MAIL... :( I really hate the mail here. It honestly makes me crazy. Then no one was really home except for like David at one point. And he fell asleep of course.. So then I was like what the heck, I'm tired too. Haha, so I fell asleep. He said he woke up and saw that I was like passed out, so he knew it was official nap time. Ahaha, oh man.. So that was that. And I think I'm getting sick.. It's probably cause my allergies are real bad here and I'm like allergic to thee air, and it's different than what I was recently used to, so I've still been drinking like ten tons of orange juice. Yet, I got sick?! Okay cool... I even went and got more orange juice to keep at my brothers. It's for him too, but I drank the rest of the one Kaylen left here. Soooo I got more haha. Then when we were at the store, I saw peanut butter M&Ms and I REALLY wanted them.. I should've go them but I saw them after.. So I asked Meg to send me some. It's one of those cravings that won't go away until I get some. But.. I have to go home soon because my brother has a ward thing. So I'm going to go home and try to study. Hopefully I will do good, and finish everything..correctly.
Okay so I'm off to my almost humble abode... Since I'm not wanted at my brothers!
FHE is tonight anyway. I wonder what we're doing..?? Hopefully I get enough studying done first.
We'll see where the rest of the night takes us. And tomorrow as well.
And that's a day in the life of Natalya.
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