So I had a pretty crazy ish, not so much day. Things get difficult with my mom sometimes...But I think it's getting better. Or the idea is. Or I am..Or we're just working on it at least. So I feel better I guess. I've decided I like Aawon today. haha, and what I mean by that, only a certain few would understand. Hopefully he gets it too.
I've also realized that I don't really have any hobbies. I need to look into life. Maybe pickup something else. Like soccer...cause apparently Latini's like soccer. Or...idk, Aaron concluded that I like the gym. Which is true. And I suppose that could be a hobby? Going to the gym. Huh. Well...I guess I'll see.
I like how I blog, for myself. Cause no one knows I blog anymore. I feel like I'm talking to myself, and getting I'm getting an answer. But I'm really not. It's just where I let all my words go, and then I don't have to think about them as much. Crazily.
So I'm skyping with Aaron right now. And he's asking me funny questions. He's a pretty sweet dude......MAN. He was making fun of one of my songs that I was listening to. What a rudey....
Well, I'm off to chat and have scripture study, then get some shut eye!
"The whole wide world is mine." -AVA
at least 4 people are reading this and want to know what's going on in your life. You Latini's are awesome people.