Monday, February 7, 2011

Gotta Get Bad Before It Gets Good

So this weekend was good! It had it's 'interesting' moments, ha. But it was soo good because I got to spend some time with Aaron! Today we actually went out and did something! We walked to the secret beach in DuPont! Woohoo, it's so pretty out there and such a sweet adventure to get to lol, and we had a partial picnic! Mmm:) Cause we ate lunch before we left. But then we when over to Kevin's! And hungout for a tid bit, then I headed back home. But it's okay cause I'm gunna see Aaron on thursday most likely. What a good week!

But....tomorrow I'm not sure what I'm gunna do. I'm thinking sleep a bit because I've been super tired lately lol. Then if Stephen's home maybe I'll clean his car! And I should really go to the gym, and whatnot. Then...wednesday I still gotta go out to Kent, so I will find something to do, then accomplish that. Haha..

So today I had a slight panic attack driving in the psycho rain and darkness in gig harborish. wasn't as bad as when the gas overflowed today....I mean seriously gas tank, be logical...If you tell me you're empty, maybe you shouldn't overfill! And maybe, just maybe, when you start being stupid when I'm filling you up one time, you shouldn't still be empty. Because then it proves things wrong, and makes me think it's not full, when it really is! Geez gas gage, step it up a little. You're freakin me out.

Putting gas in the car makes me feel like I'm wasting money. Even though it's important if I want to get around. Huh...I'm excited to figure out this work thing though. And Valentine's day. I know what the plan is. But I gotta see what the rest of my schedule is like, so I can make sure it works out. And I can go up to Port Townsend for a bit ish!
I also need to finish what I'm doing for Aaron for that day...I'm not doing anything super cool...but I'm trying to do something slightly cool since I'm partially crazy lol and it should be cool I hope. He's a goofy guy so he will hopefully like it...And I'm thinking about buying myself a giant teddy...because no one else wants I might as well....

Anywhoo, that's all for now. Not a terrible day :D