Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day da dee day.

Today. I got up. I was still super tired. I got a phone call. I got a piece of bread, ate it. Got ready. Left for work. Then I came home. The day was over. I went to the store. I'm TIRED as tits, and I was so hungry. I'm also very dehydrated. But now it's time for skype with Aaron and scwipture reading. Then bed bed bed!!!!!!!

Then tomorrow I have church! :) And work.........yay yay yay. Baha.. Then...sleep at some point lol. Oh and I can't forget to email Chase..cause like always..I will. Ha:(
Oh the irony....

SO VALENTINES DAY IS GOING TO BE AMAZING. After work. Because I, not believing in the so called 'holiday', am going to be crazy. And full of love, and hearts and Aaron is going to die, and laugh, and be so happy. I CANNOT WAIT.

That's all.